Love, attention and progression

L.A.P. stands for love, attention and progression. For each other, the products and the planet. The L.A.P Atelier is an initiative of A House of Happiness and Fier.

Fier is an expertise and treatment centre in the field of violence in dependency relationships. L.A.P. Atelier offers Fier's clients the opportunity to develop. Together, we believe in a social and circular society. A society where products are not thrown away, but reused and made under social conditions.

Reuse of high-quality residues

Every year, A House of Happiness makes over 250,000 customised curtains and supplies more than 5,000,000 metres of fabric. Due to the large production, high-quality fabric is regularly left over. Ranging from 10 centimetres to 3 metres. In total, this amounts to some 100,000 metres of residual fabric a year. In the L.A.P. Atelier, these high-quality leftover fabrics are transformed into new valuable textile products, because throwing them away is a waste. The fabrics are processed into sustainable flaglines and bags, for example.

L.A.P. Atelier, paying attention to each other

We are immensely proud of our L.A.P. women. They work with love on the products and with consideration for each other. Working together for progression. For a better future for the women and the world around us. All products from the L.A.P. Atelier are handmade, sustainable and authentic. An eye for people and the environment.